How To Update Your Sony 4000/6000 Firmware

How To Update Your Sony 4000/6000 Firmware

Keeping your firmware up-to-date is important. This guide will provide you the needed steps to make sure that your plug & play bundle stays trail ready!

How to update your Sony 4000 or 6000 firmware

Here is a simple and easy breakdown of how to update the firmware in your Sony Head-unit.

Step 1

Download the appropriate file to a USB style thumb-drive from the website | Sony Support - XAV Series Head Units

Move the files out of the downloaded folder directly onto the thumb-drive. The update can not be read if the files are in a folder or subfolder.

It is important that the thumb-drive contains NO other files. The head-unit needs to detect just the firmware file.

Step 2:

Gain access to the USB port.

If you installed the supplied USB adapter to retain your factory location, you're off to a good start. Connect the USB containing the firmware file to your factory USB location.

Step 3

Go to the main "HOME" screen of the head-unit by pushing the home button on the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 4

Push "SETTINGS" and go to "SYSTEM"

Step 6

Scroll down to "SOFTWARE UPDATE" using the down arrow on the left side of the screen.

Step 7


Step 9

Follow the prompts on the screen.

Step 10

Once the update is complete remove the thumb-drive.


Your Sony head-unit may restart several times during the firmware update process, this is normal.

You can verify that the update was completed by checking the firmware version shown in the menu.


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